Practical Electronics for Inventors by Paul Scherz
Information about this book:
- Book Title: Practical Electronics for Inventors
- Author: Paul Scherz
- Publisher: McGraw-Hill
- Edition: 11st Edition
- Total Pages: 625
- Ebook Type: PDF
- File Size: 11.6 MB
Contents of This Book:
- Introduction to Electronics
- Theory
- Basic Electronic Circuit Components
- Semiconductors
- Optoelectronics
- Integrated Circuits
- Operational Amplifiers
- Filters
- Oscillators and Timers
- Voltage Regulators and Power Supplies
- Audio Electronics
- Digital Electronics
- DC Motors, RC Servo and Stepper Motors
- Hands-on Electronics
- Power Distribution and Home Wiring
Decryption Key:
- 1st Edition: pRp0PCyW1FwFqVylcNg8_3PGSgxNzMdfkb4BelZ-rY8